WGC provides a in home consultation for homeowners looking to protect their homes and families in the event of a power outage. We create personalized estimates to meet the individual needs of the homeowner. From initial consultation to the completion of the installation.

WGC employs factory certified technicians that repair and service Generac generators from 8kw-150kw. We provide 24 hour -7 days a week service and repair. We carry ample stock of commonly utilized parts on hand at all times.

We offer 4 types of maintenance agreements to meet our customer’s needs.
Air Cooled Gold and Platinum Maintenance Agreement
Liquid Cool Gold and Platinum maintenance Agreement.
Our maintenance agreements consist of two visits a year to ensure your generators optimal performance.

WGC provides the opportunity to customers who have existing generators not currently under a maintenance agreement to obtain said agreement thru certification. We send our certified technician to your home and make sure your generator meets all factory and WGC installation guidelines for the protection of your home and family.